About Jennifer
Hello there friends and neighbors. My name is Jennifer, and I am the daughter of our one true king and a survivor through Christ. I am the wife of a wonderful man named Larry. I am the mother to 3 amazing girls Madison, Savannah and Emily. We also later in life adopted another daughter Nicole. I have spent most of their lives as a stay-at-home mom and wife as well as a homeschooling mom. Now most of my children are grown and creating their own lives. My passion is feeding people. Not just food but filling them with the spirit. I lead Journey with Jesus alongside with my daughters Savannah and Emily and help from countless volunteers.
Growing up as a small child some of my fondest memories were meals at my grandparents' house. In a way, you can say they are my inspiration. Sundays were standing room only in that tiny house. If you stopped by Rosie’s house, you didn’t leave hungry. You got an amazing meal to fill your belly and a Bible lesson to fill your soul.
One of my most memorable stories was about my grandmother going out and killing the last chicken they had on the farm to provide a meal for those who needed it. Now I’m not going to go to that extreme, but I’ll give you a good meal and fellowship as we love on our community. I never would have ever dreamed that this is where life would take me, but it all makes sense now. God led me to this church and now I lead this ministry, and I believe with every fiber of my being that this is exactly where I need to be.